gezonde recepten voor pasta maken

Make healthy and tasty pasta recipes

What is pasta

Pasta is a dough product often made from wheat flour, water and sometimes eggs. It is a common food used in many different cuisines around the world. Pasta originally comes from Italy and is an important part of the traditional cuisine there.

There are several types of pasta, including spaghetti, macaroni, fusilli, penne, linguine, fettuccine and many more. Each form has its own characteristics and can be used in different recipes and sauces.

Pasta is usually cooked in boiling water until it is al dente, meaning it is cooked but still firm. Then it can be served with different types of sauces, such as tomato sauce, cream sauce, pesto, olive oil and garlic, meat sauce, and much more. Pasta can also be used as an ingredient in salads, stews and casseroles.

It is a versatile food that is easy to prepare and is often enjoyed as a main dish, but it can also serve as a side dish or as a base for other dishes. Pasta is popular because of its wide choice of shapes and the ability to combine it with different flavors and ingredients. We have healthy pasta recipes for you to get you started and keep your health in mind.

Make and prepare healthy pasta recipes yourself

Here are some ideas for healthy pasta recipes:

  1. Whole wheat pasta with grilled vegetables: Cook whole wheat pasta according to package directions. In the meantime, grill an assortment of vegetables such as peppers, zucchini, eggplant and cherry tomatoes. Mix the grilled vegetables with the pasta and season with olive oil, lemon juice, fresh herbs and a pinch of salt.

  2. Pasta with spinach and chickpeas: Cook your favorite type of pasta (whole wheat or gluten-free) and add fresh spinach to the boiling water just before the pasta is done. Drain the pasta and spinach and mix with chickpeas, chopped garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of red pepper flakes.

  3. Pasta primavera: Cook whole wheat pasta while frying a mix of seasonal vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, green beans and mushrooms in a little olive oil. Add the cooked pasta to the vegetables and season with a light sauce based on low-fat Greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, and fresh herbs such as basil and parsley.

  4. Zoodles (zucchini spaghetti) with tomato sauce: Use a spiral cutter to cut zucchini into long strings (zoodles). Heat a little olive oil in a pan and fry the zoodles briefly until they soften slightly. Serve with a homemade tomato sauce made from pureed tomatoes, garlic, onion, oregano and basil. Optionally add lean minced chicken or minced turkey for extra protein.

  5. Chickpea pasta with avocado sauce: Cook chickpea pasta according to package instructions. Meanwhile, make a creamy sauce by pureeing avocado, fresh basil, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and a little water in a blender. Mix the sauce with the cooked pasta and add cherry tomatoes, arugula and roasted pine nuts if desired.

  6. Pesto chicken pasta: Boil whole wheat pasta and grill pieces of chicken fillet. Mix the cooked pasta with homemade pesto (fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan cheese and olive oil), grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes and roasted pine nuts.

  7. Pasta with salmon and green vegetables: Boil whole wheat pasta and steam green vegetables such as broccoli and sugar snap peas. Fry a piece of salmon fillet and add it to the cooked pasta together with the steamed vegetables. Season with lemon juice, olive oil, dill and a pinch of salt.

  8. Spaghetti with roasted pumpkin and goat cheese: Roast pumpkin pieces in the oven with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Cook whole wheat spaghetti and mix it with the roasted pumpkin, crumbled goat cheese, chopped walnuts and fresh thyme.

  9. Pasta with roasted vegetables and hummus: Roast vegetables such as peppers, zucchini, onion and eggplant in the oven with olive oil, garlic and herbs of your choice. Cook whole wheat pasta and mix it with the roasted vegetables and a few tablespoons of hummus for extra flavor and creaminess.

  10. Mushroom pasta with garlic and lemon: Sauté mixed mushrooms (such as button mushrooms, shiitake, and oyster mushrooms) with garlic and olive oil. Boil whole wheat pasta and mix it with the fried mushrooms. Season with lemon juice, chopped parsley, a pinch of red pepper flakes and, if desired, some grated Parmesan cheese.

Hopefully these recipes inspire you to get creative in the kitchen and prepare healthy pasta dishes. Remember to always experiment and add or adjust ingredients based on your personal taste preferences.

Why make and eat healthy pasta?

Choosing healthy pasta has several benefits for your overall health and well-being. Here are some reasons why healthy pasta can be a good choice:

  1. Nutrients: Whole wheat pasta, unlike refined white pasta, contains the entire grain of wheat and therefore provides more nutrients. It contains more fiber, protein, vitamins (such as B vitamins) and minerals (such as magnesium, iron and zinc). These nutrients contribute to healthy digestion, balanced blood sugar levels and overall good health.

  2. Fiber content: Whole wheat pasta contains significantly more dietary fiber than refined pasta. Fiber helps promote healthy digestion, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and promote feelings of fullness after meals. This can help prevent overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

  3. Slow Carbohydrates: Whole wheat pasta has a lower glycemic index than refined pasta, meaning it digests more slowly and raises blood sugar levels more gradually. This can help keep energy stable and reduce hunger between meals.

  4. Taste and texture: Healthy pasta, such as whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta, offers a rich flavor and satisfying texture. It can be a satisfying meal and help you enjoy your meals without sacrificing nutritional value.

  5. Variety and customization: Healthy pasta can be combined with a variety of vegetables, lean protein (such as chicken, fish or legumes) and healthy sauces to create a well-balanced meal. It offers a lot of flexibility and opportunities to experiment with different flavors and ingredients.

However, it's important to note that portion size and how you prepare and serve the pasta also affect its health benefits. For example, choose moderate portions, limit the addition of fatty sauces and combine the pasta with lots of vegetables and protein-rich ingredients for a balanced meal.

In short, choosing healthy pasta can contribute to a balanced diet and general well-being, due to its higher nutritional value, fiber content and slow carbohydrates.