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Free nutrition plan for the marathon men and women

What to look out for when running or running a marathon

Preparing for a marathon is a serious and challenging undertaking. It takes dedication, consistency and a good plan. Here are some important aspects to consider when preparing for a marathon:

  1. Medical check-up: Before you start your training program, it is wise to undergo a medical check-up. This ensures that you are in good health and ready for the intense training regimen.

  2. Training plan: Create a well-balanced training plan. This should be aimed at increasing your endurance, speed and strength. Start with basic fitness and gradually build up your mileage and intensity.

  3. Consistency: Follow your training plan closely and be consistent in your training. Regularity is essential to prepare your body for the long distance and to prevent injuries.

  4. Long runs: Plan long runs regularly into your schedule. These runs are crucial to get your body used to the long distance and to mentally prepare you for the challenges of the marathon.

  5. Rest and recovery: Give your body enough time to recover after tough workouts. Rest is just as important as the training itself, because your body needs time to get stronger.

  6. Nutrition: Provide a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. During your workouts, you should also pay attention to hydrating yourself and replenishing electrolytes.

  7. Equipment: Make sure you have good and comfortable running shoes that are suitable for long distances. Walk in these shoes so your feet can get used to them.

  8. Mental preparation: A marathon can be physically and mentally challenging. Build your mental resilience and develop strategies to deal with fatigue and mental obstacles.

  9. Test run: Before you actually run the marathon, you can participate in a half marathon or another long-distance run to measure your progress and experience what it's like to run in an event.

  10. Regularity and patience: Preparing for a marathon takes time and effort. Be patient, stay focused and keep your goal in mind.

Remember that preparing for a marathon is an individual journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Listen to your body and adjust your training based on your own needs and abilities. With the right effort and planning, you can prepare yourself to conquer those 42.195 kilometers!

Tips for marathon preparation

Here are some general nutrition tips during marathon preparation:

  1. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are essential for energy during long distances. Be sure to include carbohydrate-rich foods in your diet, such as whole grains, pasta, rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.

  2. Proteins: Proteins play an important role in muscle recovery and building. Get enough protein from sources such as lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts.

  3. Fats: Healthy fats contribute to long-lasting energy and are important for the absorption of certain vitamins. Choose unsaturated fats from olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

  4. Hydration: Stay well hydrated, both during your workouts and in your daily life. Drink plenty of water and add electrolytes if necessary, especially during longer training sessions.

  5. Meal planning: Eat regularly and spread your meals throughout the day. Also try to optimize your pre-workout and post-workout nutrition.

  6. Snacks: Snacks can help keep your energy up between meals. Choose healthy options such as fruit, nuts, yogurt or energy bars.

  7. Timing: Try to avoid large meals a few hours before running as this can cause digestive problems. Instead, eat a light, high-carb snack an hour or two before your workout.

  8. Listen to your body: Notice how your body reacts to different foods and adjust your diet based on what works best for you.

Keep in mind that nutrition is only one aspect of marathon preparation. Training regimen, rest, recovery and mental preparation are also crucial. By carefully addressing all aspects, you increase your chances of a successful marathon experience.

Free sample nutrition plan for the marathon men and women

A marathon nutrition plan will vary depending on individual needs, training levels, length of preparation and personal preferences. Below you will find a general example nutrition plan for men and women in marathon preparation. Remember, this is a guideline and not a strict plan. Customize it to your specific needs and goals:


  • Whole grain breakfast cereals (oatmeal, whole grain cereals, muesli) with skimmed milk or plant-based milk
  • Sliced ​​fruit (banana, berries, apple) and a handful of nuts or seeds
  • A glass of water or herbal tea


  • Low-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt with honey and a pinch of cinnamon
  • A small portion of muesli bar or energy bar
  • A banana


  • Whole wheat bread or whole wheat wrap with grilled chicken or tuna, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and hummus or avocado
  • A mixed salad with olive oil and lemon juice dressing
  • A glass of water or sports drink


  • Whole wheat crackers with peanut butter or nut butter
  • Sliced ​​carrots or celery with hummus
  • An orange or other piece of fruit


  • Cooked whole wheat pasta or brown rice with grilled salmon, chicken or tofu
  • Steamed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peppers)
  • A glass of water or sports drink

Snack (if needed):

  • Low-fat cottage cheese with honey and fresh fruit
  • A handful of mixed nuts
  • A glass of water


  • Adjust portion sizes based on your energy needs and hunger.
  • Try to stay well hydrated throughout the day, especially during and after workouts. Drink water regularly.
  • Add pre-workout and post-workout snacks or meals to support your energy and recovery.
  • Listen to your body and make adjustments to the diet if necessary.
  • Avoid foods that you do not tolerate well during marathon training to prevent digestive problems.

This sample nutrition plan gives you an idea of ​​how to plan your meals and snacks during marathon preparation. Remember that the quality and timing of your nutrition play a crucial role in your performance.

Using and purchasing nutritional supplements for the marathon

Nutritional supplements can complement a balanced diet and can help some athletes meet their nutritional needs during intense training and competition, such as a marathon. However, it is important to remember that nutritional supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet and should only be used to supplement an overall nutritious diet. Here are some common nutritional supplements marathon runners can consider:

  1. Protein supplements : Proteins are important for muscle recovery and building. Protein supplements such as whey protein, casein protein, or plant-based protein powders can be helpful to ensure you get enough protein, especially if you have trouble getting enough protein from your regular diet.

  2. Creatine : Creatine can improve performance during short and intense efforts, such as sprinting or interval training. It can also aid recovery between intense training sessions.

  3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) : BCAAs consist of three essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) and can help reduce muscle breakdown and promote muscle recovery. They are often taken before or during long training sessions.

  4. Carbohydrate supplements: During long runs and marathons, supplementing with carbohydrates can help maintain muscle glycogen stores and reduce fatigue. Carbohydrate gels, sports drinks or chewable carbohydrates are popular choices.

  5. Electrolyte supplements: During intensive exercise you lose electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium through sweat. Replenishing electrolytes can help maintain good fluid balance and prevent muscle cramps. This can be achieved with sports drinks or electrolyte supplements.

  6. Multivitamins : A multivitamin can be useful to supplement any micronutrient deficiencies, especially if your diet does not always provide all the nutrients in sufficient quantities.

It is important to choose nutritional supplements carefully and use them according to the recommended dosages.

Hopefully you can use the tips for your marathon preparations!