een calorietekort creeren hoe doen

Creating a calorie deficit

What is a calorie deficit?

A calorie deficit is an important concept if you want to lose weight or body fat. It refers to the situation where you consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain weight. When you create a calorie deficit, your body will start burning stored fat as a source of energy.

How do I create a calorie deficit?

A calorie deficit for weight or fat loss is easiest to create through a combination of calorie reduction and exercise. Here are steps to get you started:

  1. Calculate your TDEE: First you need to calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), which tells you how many calories your body burns every day, including activity. There are TDEE calculators available online that can give you an estimate based on your age, gender, height, weight and activity level. Calculate your TDEE here .

  2. Set your goal: Determine how much weight you want to lose and how quickly you want to achieve it. A safe and realistic guideline is to aim for a weight loss of approximately 0.5 to 0.75 kilograms per week. More than 0.75 kilos per week sounds nice, but you don't want to go too fast because you probably won't be able to maintain this and it is also not good for your body.

  3. Determine your calorie intake: Once you know your TDEE, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake to create a calorie deficit. This is often done by eating 500 to 750 calories less than your TDEE daily, depending on your goals.

  4. Choose healthy foods: It is important to eat nutritious foods to ensure your body gets the necessary nutrients. Focus on lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits.

  5. Portion Control: Measure and weigh your food to be accurate in your calorie intake. Keeping a food diary can help with this. Not everyone will indeed measure and weigh food, but if you are creating a calorie deficit for the first time by limiting your diet, this can be very helpful. This gives you real insight into the number of calories you consume.

  6. Eat frequently, but in moderation: Divide your daily calories over several meals and snacks to avoid hunger and keep your metabolism stable.

  7. Limit processed foods and sugars: Avoid highly processed foods and limit your intake of added sugars, which are often high in calories and low in nutrients.

  8. Increase exercise: In addition to cutting calories, regular exercise can help you create a calorie deficit and boost your metabolism. Both cardiovascular training and strength training are important for weight loss.

  9. Monitor your progress: Track your calorie intake and physical activity to ensure you're on track to reach your goals. If you find that you are not losing weight as expected, adjust your calorie intake or activity level.

  10. Be Patient and Consistent: Weight loss can take time, and it's important to remain patient and consistent with your efforts. Remember that a healthy, sustainable approach is the key to success.

Please note that your TDEE calculation in number 1 is an estimate. It is best to start with this number of calories and then subtract 500-750 calories, then keep track of your weight and adjust the number of calories if necessary. Measuring is knowing!

Tips and tricks for creating a calorie deficit

Creating a calorie deficit can be challenging, but there are several tips and tricks that can help you with this process. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Use a calorie tracking app: There are plenty of apps available, such as MyFitnessPal, Lose It! and Cronometer, which makes it easy to track your calorie intake and expenditure. These apps can also help you become aware of what you eat.

  2. Eat more protein: Protein is satisfying and helps you feel full longer. Including protein in your diet can help you reduce hunger and consume fewer calories. Protein shakes can help with this.

  3. Choose nutritious foods: Focus on foods with high nutritional value, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, fish, nuts and seeds. These foods are typically lower in calories and contain important nutrients. To get extra nutrients, you can supplement with Multivitamin and Omega 3 .

  4. Portion control: Be aware of portion sizes. Measure and weigh your food as necessary to ensure you don't overeat.

  5. Eat slower: It takes a while for your body to register that it is full. By eating more slowly and chewing thoroughly, you give your body the chance to make you feel full before you overeat.

  6. Drink water: Sometimes thirst is confused with hunger. Drink a glass of water before you eat to see if you are really hungry.

  7. Avoid liquid calories: Soda, fruit juices and alcohol often contain a lot of calories without providing much satiety. Limit the intake of these drinks.

  8. Snack wisely: If you want to snack between meals, choose healthy options like vegetables, fruit, Greek yogurt or nuts instead of high-calorie snacks.

  9. Plan your meals: Make a meal plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks in advance. This can prevent you from reaching for unhealthy options when you're hungry.

  10. Stay active: Regular exercise can help you burn more calories and improve your metabolism. Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of intense exercise per week.

  11. Get enough sleep: Inadequate sleep can disrupt appetite and the hormones that regulate hunger. Get enough sleep to avoid overeating. Magnesium can support sleep.

  12. Be mindful of cheat meals: An occasional cheat meal can help you stay motivated, but don't overdo it. Don't let the cheat meals destroy all your progress.

  13. Be patient: Weight loss is a gradual process, and there may be ups and downs. It is important to remain patient and consistent, even if results are not immediate.

  14. Diet Support for support: Our Diet Support can help you manage a calorie deficit.

It's essential to set realistic goals and aim for a healthy and sustainable calorie deficit so you don't go too fast and fall back into your old pattern. Losing weight and fat takes time, so give it that time, it's not a competition.